Spain People A vigorous ethnic regionalism in Spain, suppressed under Franco, has been increasing as the influence of Spain's EU partners becomes more apparent. The declining influence of the Catholic Church has meant that Spain now has one of the lowest birthrates in Europe. However, many traditional features of Spanish life remain. While attitudes toward sexuality are now relaxed, church-going remains popular. The divorce rate is extremely low and family ties remain strong, with young males living at home until their late 20s. Economic growth from the 1970s led to a change in the composition of society. Spain began to attract substantial numbers of immigrants, mainly from Latin America and North Africa. However, the economic downturn in the early 1990s led to a rise in racial tensions and racism, a pattern echoed in France. Spanish women are becoming increasingly emancipated. They have also become more influential in politics, currently making up 15% of the Spanish Congress, a higher proportion than in any other West European country.